TOEIC Part6 練習問題と解説 (No.4)

このシリーズではTOEICエキスパートが作成するTOEIC Part6 練習問題と解説を公開します。今回のPart6問題の難易度の目安はTOEICスコア700点です。


TOEIC Part6 長文穴埋め問題No.4


The upcoming ___[1]___ is an opportunity for all ABC Corp. employees in any leadership/management position to enhance their knowledge of various leadership and management tools and trends, as well as to increase their performance in managing and leading teams of all sizes to carry out their responsibilities. Moreover, the seminar includes panel discussions by well-published professors on management at leading business schools and ___[2]___ business leaders. The workshop sessions will allow participants to discuss and solve business cases involving leadership and management.

___[3]___, the seminar will be followed by a networking session with light meals and beverages. ___[4]___. This will be a good opportunity to get to know ABC Corp. employees from other offices, and share thoughts on leadership and management of all levels.

For the detailed seminar program, visit the “Learning & Development” section of our corporate intranet:

(A) conference
(B) discussion
(C) seminar
(D) forum

(A) external
(B) incumbent
(C) incompetent
(D) terminated

(A) Additionally
(B) However
(C) Eventually
(D) Accordingly

(A) The number of people who can attend the network session is limited
(B) Those who are not interested in it can skip it
(C) You won’t be able to attend the session without a ticket
(D) We strongly encourage all participants of the seminar to attend


The upcoming seminar is an opportunity for all ABC Corp. employees in any leadership/management position to enhance their knowledge of various leadership and management tools and trends, as well as to increase their performance in managing and leading teams of all sizes to carry out their responsibilities. Moreover, the seminar includes panel discussions by well-published professors on management at leading business schools and incumbent business leaders. The workshop sessions will allow participants to discuss and solve business cases involving leadership and management.

Additionally, the seminar will be followed by a networking session with light meals and beverages. We strongly encourage all participants of the seminar to attend. This will be a good opportunity to get to know ABC Corp. employees from other offices, and share thoughts on leadership and management of all levels.

For the detailed seminar program, visit the “Learning & Development” section of our corporate intranet:



business cases:ビジネスシナリオ

networking session:交流会

strongly encourage to…:〜を強く推奨する

get to know:知り合う




セミナー内容の詳細については、当社のイントラネットの「Learning&Development (」をご覧ください。

TOEIC Part6 長文穴埋め問題No.4

問題[1] 解答:(C) seminar

空所は文の主語に該当します。主語の後の述部を短くまとめると「次回の ___(空所)___ はABC株式会社の管理職にとって、リーダーシップおよびマネジメントに関する知識を高め、仕事で成果を出すための腕を上げる機会です。」という内容です。よって主語はseminar(セミナー。専門家会議)が一番適切です。(A) conferenceも「会議」の意味ですが、政治・経済・科学などの専門的な会議の場合に使います。よってconferenceは不正解です。

(B) discussionは「議論」という意味です。空所の文だけを読めば discussion を入れても意味は通じそうですが、後続する文で“the seminar includes panel discussions”と説明があります。よってdiscussionも適切ではありません。(D) forumは「公開討論会」という意味です。文章全体を読むとforumの単語は一度も登場しませんが、seminarの単語は、複数回登場します。このことから、文章はforumではなくseminarの案内ということが分かります。よって(D) forumも不正解です。

The upcoming ___[1]___ is an opportunity for all ABC Corp. employees in any leadership/management position to enhance their knowledge of various leadership and management tools and trends, as well as to increase their performance in managing and leading teams of all sizes to carry out their responsibilities. Moreover, the seminar includes panel discussions by well-published professors on management at leading business schools and incumbent business leaders.

(A) conference
(B) discussion
(C) seminar
(D) forum

問題[2] 解答:(B) incumbent


Moreover, the seminar includes panel discussions by well-published professors on management at leading business schools and ___[2]___ business leaders.

(A) external
(B) incumbent
(C) incompetent
(D) terminated

問題[3] 解答:(A) Additionally


___[3]___, the seminar will be followed by a networking session with light meals and beverages.

(A) Additionally
(B) However
(C) Eventually
(D) Accordingly

問題[4] 解答:(D) We strongly encourage ~


___[3]___, the seminar will be followed by a networking session with light meals and beverages. ___[4]___. This will be a good opportunity to get to know ABC Corp. employees from other offices, and share thoughts on leadership and management of all levels.

(A) The number of people who can attend the network session is limited
(B) Those who are not interested in it can skip it
(C) You won’t be able to attend the session without a ticket
(D) We strongly encourage all participants of the seminar to attend

TOEIC 練習問題

TOEIC Part5/Part6の練習問題は、次のページで公開中です。

TOEIC 練習問題 Part5