英文法の練習問題 No.1




To become the best hairdresser requires more training for a long time. In the beginning of their careers, they work as assistants to experienced hairdressers. After acquiring a variety of hairdressing techniques, they make their debut as professional. Some hairdressers set up their own beauty salon, and others work for beauty salons as employees.



Becoming a top hairdresser requires a large amount of training over a long period of time. At the beginning of their careers, most hairdressers work as assistants to experienced hairdressers. After acquiring a variety of hairdressing techniques, they make their debuts as professionals. Some hairdressers set up their own beauty salons, while others work for established salons as employees.


(1) To become the best hairdresser requires more training for a long time.

「To become」のような不定詞を主語として使うのは可能ですが、抽象的な文に使うことが多いです。一般的な文には動詞の~ing形(becoming)を使った方が自然です。

「the best hairdresser」は最良の1人だけのことですが、この文はもっと一般に一流の美容師の話をしているので、「a top hairdresser」(一流の美容師の中の1人)のような表現が適切です。

「more」(もっと)は比較する時に使う言葉ですが、ここでは何かと比較しているわけではありません。よって、ここは「a large amount of training」(たくさんの訓練)等に変えた方がいいです。

(2) In the beginning of their careers, they work as assistants to experienced hairdressers.

「In the beginning」も表現として存在しますが、何か「の」始めという意味で「beginning」の後に「of」を使う場合は「At the beginning of…」を使うことの方が多いです。


(3) After acquiring a variety of hairdressing techniques, they make their debut as professional.


(4) Some hairdressers set up their own beauty salon, and others work for beauty salons as employees.

上記と同じように、この文では複数の「some hairdressers」が複数のサロンを開くわけなので、複数形の「salons」にします。
